Equity Partners

Equity Partners are accredited investors and owners of FLR, LLC. Equity Partners are 501(c) (3) tax-exempt entities or public corporations that are either private, non-profit educational institutions or Florida public universities with an interest in collaborating and participating in FLR and Internet2. FLR has 12 Equity Partners (9 public universities and 3 private universities):

Florida Atlantic University Florida Gulf Coast University
Florida Institute of Technology Florida International University
Florida State University Nova Southeastern University
University of Central Florida University of Florida
University of Miami University of North Florida
University of South Florida University of West Florida

FLR Affiliate Members

Affiliates are non-equity participants using FLR services. Our Affiliates obtain services either through a direct connection to the network infrastructure or through a FLR Equity Partner or another Affiliate’s network.

To become an affiliate, an organization must meet one of the following conditions and be approved by the FLR Board of Directors:

  • Be an educational institution (i.e., private, non-profit educational institution, Florida public university, community college, for-profit college, or public/private school);
  • Be an integral not-for profit participant in a Florida 21st century economy initiative;
  • Be in collaboration with a FLR participant in support of research, education, or 21st century economy initiatives provided such participation does not jeopardize FLR’s non-profit status;
  • Facilitate connecting government entities that do not conflict with the purpose of FLR.

Public Universities

State Colleges

Private Higher Education

K-12 Education

Other Education


Health Care


Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

Community Anchor Institutions

1 – Connection provided through Palm Beach County
2 – Connection provided through Florida State University
3 – Affiliate is a part of the FL Dept. of Education